Molitorgasse Elementary School, 1110 Vienna
Expansion and histroic renovation of the existing building
Rewriting and reinterpreting the exisitng building
Finalization 2023
completed 2022
round gymnasium Atzgersdorf, Steinergasse 22, 1230 Vienna
EU-wide competition 2019, purchase
redesign of the lower church
as part of the Upper Austrian Provincial Exhibition
Competition 1.prize, completion 2018
Exhibition design in the Imperial Furniture Collection “Hofmobiliendepot”,
Furniture Museum Vienna
September 1919 until January 2020
Reorganization of the permanent collection
as part of the Upper Austrian Provincial Exhibition
Competition, 1st prize, completion 2018
redesign of the ambo
parish church Bittenbrunn, D
competition 1st prize, completion 2014
As the Catholic center of Berlin, St. Hedwig is part of the
Forum Fridericianum on Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte, built in 1773.
Designed by Jean Laurent Le Geay,
Construction by Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff.
EU-wide 2-phase competition, 2014
Photo: 1870
Florian Hedorfer Gasse
1110 Vienna
“Ihr Kinderlein kommet”
Extension of the school in the park in Speising by 10 primary school classes and a new kindergarden with 4 group rooms.
Next Level
Conversion of the most beautiful Austrian private museum of Agnes and Karlheinz Essl for depot use by the Albertina in Vienna and study for the establishment of the Klosterneuburg Museum of Local History.
Completion 2017
Exhibition design and info point
for the Auenzentrum, Neuburg an der Donau, D
Completion 2009
Acquisition in the EU-wide open competition for the addition of a gymnasium center to the adjacent school building with four underground gymnasiums and a ground-level outdoor sports facility.
“concrete as stone of our time in all places where the historical surfaces were no longer present, congenially complemented by maximally minimalist furnishings”
Franziska Leeb in architektur.aktuell, 5.2018
New Landstrasse fire station
Parish church St. Martin Mistelbach
Chancel design
Competition 1st prize,
Completion 2010
Photo: © C.Stadler Bwag
Installation of a disabled-access lift and extension of the roof terrace in one of Vienna’s oldest houses, first mentioned in a document in 1212 and shrouded in mystery with the legend of the basilisk.
Completion 2005
1st prize, competition 2009
completion 2016
Invited competition, 2000
Reorganization of the permanent collection
for the Vienna Museum of Technology in the field of communication and information
Completion 2003