24. October 2024
Anot HER VIEW ture award

Susanne Veit-Aschenbrenner has been awarded the prestigious “anotHERVIEWture Award” as Architect of the Year 2024/2025.

The award ceremony took place on October 24 at the MAK. Excerpt from the jury’s statement: “The three projects – a new church building, a renovation, and a densification through a kindergarten, as well as an exhibition design – showcase a work of great variety and strength across different scales and construction tasks. The jury was impressed by the seamless integration into the context and the careful handling of existing structures. The clear and significant design on the outside creates a surprising spatial quality and complexity on the inside, further enhanced by the skillful use of light and materials. The exhibited architecture is therefore timeless in the best sense of the word and appears sustainable. Her understanding of spatial formation reflects her love for music. Susanne strives to develop ‘tuned spaces’ that create sound with bodies – both acoustically and spatially.”

We also warmly congratulate the winners in the other three categories:
Photo: © Katharina Schiffl

13. May 2024

Our employee Tobias accepted the BIG SEE architecture award in Ljubljana for us and our project partners HOLODECK Architects!

He presented the award-winning Campus im Park project and our innovatice way of working in an inspiring lecture. We are proud of Tobias, grateful for his many years of tireless commitment to our office and look forward too continuting to work together on exciting projects!


2. June 2023
“gebaut 2022” – built in 2022

our redesign of the “Neuapostolische Kirche Donaustadt” – New Apostiolic Church Donaustadt was awarded with the architectural prize “gebaut 2022” – Built 2022 by the City of Vienna.
This award recognizes high-quality, innovative, inspiring and exemplary projects, which also contribute to social sustainability and climate protection.

“the rennovation is almost impossible to surpass in elegance
Irene Lundström MA 19 (department of architecture and urban design) in her laudatory speech.

Award ceremony on June 6th at Planungswerkstatt, 1010 Vienna and following exhibition in the facilities of the department.

22. May 2023
New website

our new homepage is currently under construction.
Soon you will find more about our work here.
Our apprechiation goes to the grafic designer Gerda Wimmer, grafik-design and the web page prograammer Julia Erb, die Webseiterei,

Check out architektur.aktuell, baunetz and world.architects for more of our work.

1. February 2023

In its special edition “ARCHITECTS” 2023, the trade magazine architektur.aktuell again focuses on various architects.
This year our office is once again represented with several projects. More specifically with the projects New Apostolic Church Vienna Penzing, kindergarden Lainz and apartment renovation 1070.

30. August 2022
Completion of “Hietzinger School in the park”

We were invited to “Kastensau” to celebrate the completion of the elementary school Speisinger Straße on schedule. Thank you to everyone for the tasty surprise by forman Ernst Posch and the great cooperation with construction company Granit. 12 elementary school classes and 4 kindergarden groups will start their school year 2022/23 in new classrooms.

19. July 2022
“Gleichenfeier” – celebration of equality

The renovation of the two round gymnasiums in Simmering and Liesing is progressing. Due to the occasion of the finished shell, the construction comany intived us to a summer party inside the imposing raw structure.

29. October 2021
Main fire station Liesing

Successful competition
We were able to win the two-stage competition regarding the extension and renovation of the fire station Vienna 23, Siebenhierten. It’s a match!

15. October 2021
Semmelweisareal House 1

successful competition
We are pleased to recieve a recogonition award at the EU-wide open competition “Semmelweisareal Haus 1”. Yippie!

7. July 2020
Conveying attitude

An appointment lecture by Susanne Veit-Aschenbrenner in the deparment “Buildinh in Existing Structures” at the University of Applied Sciences Munich (HM).

21. April 2020
Gymnasium Center Kriehubergasse

Sucsessfull competition
We are proud to recieve the recognition award in the EU-wide open competition “New construction of a gymnasium center, 1050 Vienna, Kriehubergasse” and congratulate all other winners!

27. January 2020
Design in Detail

a lecture by Susanne Veit-Aschenbrenner at the University of Applied Sciences Munich (HM) in the Department of Building Construction and Design

2. January 2020
Architektur Aktuell

Architektur Aktuell published a special issue called “Architects” about contemporary architecture and presents individual studios in all federal states.

Our office is represented by our project New Apostolic Church Vienna Penzing.

27. December 2019
Article published in “Die Zeit”

In a major article, the newspaper “Die Zeit” reports about our church building in Vienna Penzing.

“The grand era of church building is long gone. And yet, the sacred architecture is as exciting as ever these days” by Judith E. Innenhofer.

22. December 2019
Book Presentation

Open-air school Floridsdorf (1961) – text by Maria Lobrek and Susanne Veit-Aschenbrenner in the ÖGFA publication “Wilhelm Schütte Architect, Frankfurt, Moscow, Istanbul, Vienna”, Ute Waditschka (ed.), Park Books, Zurich 2019

9. December 2019
NEWS Competition Crematorium

We are pleased to recieve a recognition award at the EU-wide open competition regarding the extension of the monument protected crematorium in Vienna

24. September 2019
Opening Made In Denmark

We would like to invite you to the exhibition opening at the Hofmobiliendepot.

Our gratitude goes to our dedicated team Tobias Schedel, Elis Hackaj, Elisabeth Plank and the grafic designer Gerda Wimmer.

25. May 2018
open Studio and open building during the Architecture Days 2018

we look forward to your visit to our office on 08 June 2018 or to visit our recently completed renovation of a Gründerzeit apartment in the 7th district on 09 June 2018.

1. May 2018
Cookie notice

our website uses Cookies!

26. April 2018
Opening of the Upper Austrian Provincial Exhibition “The Return of the Legion, Roman Heritage in Upper Austria

in partnership with architect Elisabeth Plank

9. November 2017
1st prize “kindergarden Lassee, Lower Austria”

in partnership with Abendroth Architekten, Vienna and excellent cooperation with Joachim Kräftner (landscape architecture)

14. June 2017

Our kindergarten in the former geriatric center at the Wienerwald was honored by the City of Vienna with the “Schorsch” award for “innovative, inspiring, exemplary” projects realized in the urban space.

10. April 2017
“Civil engineers put monuments in a new light”.

The exhibition moves to the artium at the Landhaus II in Innsbruck

9. February 2017
Civil engeneers put monuments in a new light

Exhibition at Palais Epstein with our project Parkstadt Hietzing
pictures of the exhibition © Katharina Gossow

5. September 2016
Opening kindergarden

opening of our kindergarden with 9 groups and one gym at former geriatric area Wienerwald

10. May 2016
First Prize “The legion returns, roman legacy in Upper Austria!

Veit Aschenbrenner Architects won the first prize in the competition Provincial Exhibition Upper Austria 2018 in working partnership with architect Elisabeth Plank at Museum Lauriacum Enns, Basilika St. Laurenz in Lorch, Schlögen and Oberranna.

16. December 2015
lecture TU Cottbus

with focus on sacral architecture at the Technical University of Cuttbus

20. October 2015
Piranesi award

our New Apostolic Church is of five nominated Austrian Projects.

1. October 2015
European Corpoate Excellence Award 2015

our office wins the prize “Best in Church Design”

17. September 2015
European Corpoate Excellence Award 2015

our office is part of the shortlist

1. September 2015
Ground-breaking kindergarden Vienna

Ceremonial ground-breaking for our kindergarden in 1130 Vienna

28. August 2015

More than 30.000 people took part in the first OPEN HOUSE VIENNA in 2014. On september 12th and 13th, the time hat finally come again: The event is free of charge and we invite you to stroll through your own neighbourhood or experience new areas of Vienna. Take a peek into one of the 82 buildings: we are opening our doors to private apartments and houses, educational institutions, offices, as well as commercial and industry buildings so you can have a look around. The New Apostolic Church is open on sunday 13th of september from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.  We are looking forward to meet you there. More at

20. July 2015
BUILT 2015

We are happy about our nomination at BUILT 2015 AWARDS!

15. July 2015
Veit Aschenbrenner in writes an arcticle about our Church construction and sets up an architectural profile of our office.

14. July 2015
Veit Aschenbrenner at world architects

Since March our office is represented with 11 projects on the curated platform world architects



14. November 2014
November 14th 2014, 3pm Guided Tour

The Austrian Society of Architecture visits our new building for the New Apostolic Church in Penzing, 1140 Vienna.

1. October 2014
Our New Apostolic Church is ready now!

19.10.2014 9:30 Open House, worship, afterwards parish celebration
18.10.2014 18:00 charity concert
05.10.2014 10:00 inauguration

4. May 2014
15th May PechtaKucha Night Vienna

We are invited to PechaKucha Night Vienna to present our new project for the New Apstolic Church in the 14th district of Vienna durch the opening of Architekturtage 2014.
Mondscheingasse 15, 1070 Vienna, 8am

4. May 2014
17th May, Open Office

On occation of “Architekturtage 2014” we will make an Open Office and invite you to have a look at our projects. Start: 6 p.m.

30. March 2014
New Ambo for Mariä Himmelfahrt Bittenbrunn

In a festive service our new Ambo for Mariä Himmelfahrt in Bittenbrunn has been dedicated.